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Notice on infection prevention and spread prevention of viruses disease including COVID-19 [Monday, June 1]
Restrictions on entry and eventsf
・In order to relieve congestion, there may be a restriction on admission to HANA・BIYORI.f
・The event ""Otter petting time and feeding experience"" in the park will be cancelled for the time being.
Measures to prevent the spread of infection by staff
◆Thorough health management of staff
※Take the temperature every morning, wear a mask to prevent infection, regular hand washing and disinfection
◆Thorough disinfection and cleaning of equipment in the facility.
◆Installation of sheets for splash prevention
◆Installation of social distance marks
※For the flower and digital art show, please stand at the marked position every 2 meters and enjoy the show with a distance from other customers.
※Please keep a certain distance from other customers when using the eating and drinking space.
Requests to customers visiting the park
1. The following customers are not allowed to enter the park.
・Those with a fever of 37.5 °C or higher, fatigue, cough, etc.
・Those who live with family members who are suspected of being infected
・Those who have traveled to a country or region where the government requires an entry restriction or a post-entry observation period within the past 14 days, or who have had close contact with those person.
2.Please wear a mask when entering the park.
3.When entering the park, a thermography camera or non-contact thermometer will be used to check the temperature, and hand sanitizer will be provided.
※We will refuse admission if a fever of 37.5 °C or higher is confirmed at the entrance.
And we will ask you to leave as soon as possible if you feel unwell after entering the park. Please understand that no refunds will be given.